I thought I would make a news post about Clockday, yeah. It's another year and another day of spam flash in the portal, lol. A lot of them are pretty silly but I've seen a handful of really nice ones :D
My favourite one of the day so far has to be Caramel&Coal: To ClockDay by CaramelAppleClock but I'm sure there are many others that are good, going to check the front page out for some of the other good ones and keep crawiling through the portal and the under judgment flash.
Well, other than that, I wish you all a happy Clockday, make good use of the day :3
I would also recommend: I'll edit as I watch
Children of Clocks
M.M. discovers the C.C.
Happy C-day from NN :)
Thanks for liking my movie xD
Thanks for making a great flash :P